Fly For Kenple



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Currently, there is One available mirror for the patcher. [UPDATED: 7/30/2010]

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Level Icon Name Attack min-max Added bonus Dpoints
120 Bloodyknuckle.gif Ultimate Bloody Knuckle 558-560 Additional Damage+250, Def+100, Add HP+20% 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Bloodystick.gif Ultimate Bloody Stick 558-560 INT+15, DMMT +20%, Add MP+20%. 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Bloodywand.gif Ultimate Bloody Wand 558-560 INT+10, Decreased Magic Casting Time +15%, Add HP+20% 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Bloodystaff.gif Ultimate Bloody Staff 549-554 INT+10, Decreased Magic Casting Time +10%, Add MP+20% 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Bloodybow.gif Ultimate Bloody Bow 509-513 Additional Damage of Critical Hits+40%, Atk Speed+10%, Add MP+20% 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Bloodyyoyo.gif Ultimate Bloody Yo-Yo 455-457 DEX+10, DEF+100, HP Rate +15% 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Bloodyaxe.gif Ultimate Bloody Axe 554-558 STA+10, Def+75, Add HP+15% 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Bloody2handaxe.gif Ultimate Bloody Two-hand Axe 683-696 HP+18%, STR+10, Add FP+10% 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Bloodysword.gif Ultimate Bloody Sword 558-560 Additional Damage of Critical Hits+40%, Crit Rate+20%, Atk Speed+15% 30 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Bloody2handsword.gif Ultimate Bloody Slayer 670-674 STR+6, Ranged Attack Blocking+10%, Add HP+20% 30 Dpoints ------------
  • Please Note: The following weapons will become Soul Linked once equiped to your character. Once Soul Linked, the weapon CAN NOT be banked, warehoused, traded or sold.
Level Icon Name Attack min-max Added bonus Dpoints
75 Lusaka's Fist.png Ultimate Lusaka's Fist 493-494 HP +20%, STR +10 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Vampire Knuckle.gif Ultimate Vampire Knuckle 569-571 Additional HP+20%, Defense Rate+10%, Ranged Attack Block Rate+10% 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Lusaka's Crystal Fist.png Ultimate Lusaka's Crystal Fist 569-571 HP +20%, Defense Power +10%, Short Range Block +10% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Ancient Knuckle.gif Ultimate Ancient Knuckle 616-618 Additional HP+23%, Defense Rate+15%, Melee Attack Block Rate+10% 50 Dpoints ------------
75 Lusaka's Stick.png Ultimate Lusaka's Stick 493-494 Defense Power +100, INT +10 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Vampire Stick.gif Ultimate Vampire Stick 569-571 INT+20, DMMT +20%, Additional MP+20% 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Lusaka's Crystal Stick.png Ultimate Lusaka's Crystal Stick 569-571 INT +20, DMMT +20%, MP +20% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Ancient Stick.gif Ultimate Ancient Stick 691-694 INT+28, DMMT +28%, Additional MP+20% 50 Dpoints ------------
75 Image:Lusaka's Wand.png Ultimate Lusaka's Wand 493-494 Decreased Magic Casting Time +10%, INT +10 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Vampire Wand.gif Ultimate Vampire Wand 569-571 INT+15, Decreased Magic Casting Time +17%, Attack Rate+10%
35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Lusaka's Crystal Wand .png Ultimate Lusaka's Crystal Wand 569-571 INT +15, Decreased Magic Casting Time +17%, Atk. Power +10% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Ancient Wand.gif Ultimate Ancient Wand 691-694 INT+27, Decreased Magic Casting Time +29%, Attack Rate+26% 50 Dpoints ------------
75 Image:Lusaka's Staff.png Ultimate Lusaka's Staff 499-504 Max MP +15%, INT +10 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Vampire Staff.gif Ultimate Vampire Staff 576-582 INT+15, Decreased Magic Casting Time +10%, Attack Rate+20% 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Image:Lusaka's Crystal Staff.png Ultimate Lusaka's Crystal Staff 576-582 INT +15, Decreased Magic Casting Time +10%, Atk. Power +20% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Ancient Staff.gif Ultimate Ancient Staff 701-706 INT+35, Decreased Magic Casting Time +29%, Attack Rate+36%
50 Dpoints ------------
75 Lusaka's Bow.png Ultimate Lusaka's Bow 462-467 HP +20%, DEX +10 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Vampire Bow.gif Ultimate Vampire Bow 534-539 Crit Rate+20%, ADOCH+45%, Additional HP+20% 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Lusaka's Crystal Bow .png Ultimate Lusaka's Crystal Bow 534-539 Critical Hit +20%, Additional Damage with Critical Hit +45%, HP +20% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Ancient Bow.gif Ultimate Ancient Bow 651-655 ADOCH+50%, Attack Rate+22%, Evasion Rate+19% (Not Block Rate)
50 Dpoints ------------
75 Image:Lusaka's Yo-Yo.png Ultimate Lusaka's Yo-Yo 399-401 ADOCH +20%, DEX +10 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Vampire Yoyo.gif Ultimate Vampire Yo-Yo 478-481 Crit Rate+10%, ADOCH +20%, Attack Speed+10% 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Image:Lusaka's Crystal Yo-Yo.png Ultimate Lusaka's Crystal Yo-Yo 478-481 Critical Hit +10%, Additional Damage with Critical Hit +20%, Atk. Speed +10% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Image:Ancient Yoyo.gif Ultimate Ancient Yo-Yo 581-584 Crit Rate+22%, ADOCH +36%, Attack Speed+22% 50 Dpoints ------------
75 Image:Lusaka's Axe.png Ultimate Lusaka's Axe 489-491 HP +15%, Defense Power +50 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Vampire One-Handed Axe.gif Ultimate Vampire One-Handed Axe 565-567 Crit Rate+20%, ADOCH+30%, Attack Rate+10% 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Image:Lusaka's Crystal Axe.png Ultimate Lusaka's Crystal Axe 565-567 Critical Hit +20%, Additional Damage with Critical Hit +30%, Increased Attack +10% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Image:Ancient One-Handed Axe.gif Ultimate Ancient One-Handed Axe 611-613 Attack Speed+25%, Hit Rate+25%, Crit Rate+25% 50 Dpoints ------------
75 Image:Lusaka's Heavy Axe.png Ultimate Lusaka's Heavy Axe 601-612 HP +20%, STR +10 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Vampire Two-Handed Axe.gif Ultimate Vampire Two-Handed Axe 694-706 Additional HP+18%, STR+10, STA+10 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Image:Lusaka's Heavy Crystal Axe.png Ultimate Lusaka's Heavy Crystal Axe 694-706 HP +18%, STR +10, STA +10 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Image:Ancient Two-Handed Axe.gif Ultimate Ancient Two-Handed Axe 820-833 Additional HP+20%, Attack Rate+10%, STA+15 50 Dpoints ------------
75 Image:Lusaka's Sword.png Ultimate Lusaka's Sword 493-494 Critical Chance +10%, Atk. Speed +10% 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Vampire One-handed Sword.gif Ultimate Vampire One-Handed Sword 569-571 Hit Rate+20%, Attack Speed+20%, Crit Rate+10% 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Image:Lusaka's Crystal Sword.png Ultimate Lusaka's Crystal Sword 569-571 Critical Hit +10%, Accuracy +20%, Atk. Speed +20% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Image:Ancient One-handed Sword.gif Ultimate Ancient One-Handed Sword 616-618 Crit Rate+30%, ADOCH+40%, Attack Speed+25% 50 Dpoints ------------
75 Image:Lusaka's Heavy Sword.png Ultimate Lusaka's Heavy Sword 590-592 Close Range Block +10%, Defense Power +100 25 Dpoints ------------
120 Image:Vampire Two-handed Sword.gif Ultimate Vampire Two-Handed Sword 680-684 Additional HP+20%, Ranged Attack Block Rate+10%, Melee Attack Block Rate+10% 35 Dpoints ------------
75 Master Image:Lusaka's Heavy Crystal Sword.png Ultimate Lusaka's Heavy Crystal Sword 680-684 HP +20%, Long Range Block +10%, Short Range Block +10% 40 Dpoints ------------
120 Master Image:Ancient Two-handed Sword.gif Ultimate Ancient Two-Handed Sword 803-806 Additional HP+30%, Ranged Attack Block Rate+30%, Melee Attack Block Rate+30% 50 Dpoints ------------
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