Fly For Kenple



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Currently, there is One available mirror for the patcher. [UPDATED: 7/30/2010]

Fly for Kenple RULES/POLICY

In Game Policy

Official In Game Policy

Please note that any time, a GameMaster may choose to go to a higher offense penalty based on the player offense. All offenses reported/observed will be thoroughly researched by a GameMaster.
Violation OFFENSE
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Duping/Exploiting Bugs
Duping an Item Item tracked and deleted Permanent Account Ban along with all accounts related to that I.P.
Related account (Duped/bugged item passed through account) Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Exploiting any bug in the Service or in Flyff or Gala-Net product to gain unfair advantage in the game Communicating the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service.

This includes exploiting a game or design flaw.

Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
In possession of Bug item, Duped item, or Hacked item Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Engage in or promote or encourage any illegal activity including hacking, cracking or distribution of counterfeit software. Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Advertising websites that contain hacking/cheating programs and procedures, Sending an email falsely claiming to come from a legitimate source in order to steal confidential information to commit fraud and/or theft Permanent Account Ban
Violating the privacy of any account, performing account abuses and hosting of hacked items Permanent Account Ban
Use or distribute 'auto' software programs, 'macro' software programs or other 'cheat utility' software program or applications. Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Partying with characters using or distributing hack/cheat programs Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Reporting any false incidents though any media to Gala-net Three (3) day banned account Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Account and Item Sharing/Selling

Gala-net does not endorse selling or trading of accounts. Any emails or in game messages to GM's will be disregarded.

Illegal trade and transfer of account/s. Advertisement of intent to or commission of the act of buying, selling, trading or sharing, or transferring any access to your account, character/s or item/s. Permanent Account Ban
Cash transactions for items and similar trades. Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Flooding/Spamming - Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, spamming or flooding [posting repetitive text]. 1 (One) In game warning/Removed/ disconnected from Game Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
Disruption of Official In-Game Events and Function Disruption in-game events by harassing participants and event facilitators 1 (One) In game warning Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
Transmit or facilitate distribution of Content that is harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, or in a reasonable person's view, objectionable. 1 (One) In game warning Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
Attempting to go around the profanity filter by using special characters and alternating letter types. Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
Harassing GM's or other Staff of Gala-net Communicating with in game GM using rude language or spam messages 1 (One) In game warning Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
Harass, threaten, abuse, disparage, libel, slander, embarrass, or do anything else to another Member, guest or Gala-Net employee. Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Impersonation of a well known player/guild for malicious purpose. Ten (10) day banned account Permanent Account Ban
Spreading of false rumors about the Game, the Company and other players (Subject to Interpretation) 1 (One) In game warning Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
Improperly use in game support or make false reports to Gala-Net. Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
Guilds that are based on racist, sexist, anti-religion, anti-ethnic, or other hate mongering philosophies Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
Inappropriate Names
Sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethically offensive language vulgarity If the player is in game, the player will be frozen, moved to a private area in game and muted. A GM will try to contact the player in game to change the name on the spot. If the person is AFK, an email will be sent to the user's email on account requesting character deletion or for them to contact a user in game. If the user doesn't comply in 3-days, the account will be permanently banned until a name change can be done.
Names in violation of intellectual property rights Names that associate with trademark, copyright or any propriety rights If the player is in game, the player will be frozen, moved to a private area in game and muted. A GM will try to contact the player in game to change the name on the spot. If the person is AFK, an email will be sent to the user's email on account requesting character deletion or for them to contact a user in game. If the user doesn't comply in 3-days, the account will be permanently banned until a name change can be done.
Use of special characters in name If the player is in game, the player will be frozen, moved to a private area in game and muted. A GM will try to contact the player in game to change the name on the spot. If the person is AFK, an email will be sent to the user's email on account requesting character deletion or for them to contact a user in game. If the user doesn't comply in 3-days, the account will be permanently banned until a name change can be done.
Impersonate GM Staff, indicate that you are a Gala-Net employee or a representative of GPotato, or attempt to mislead Members or guests by indicating that you represent Gala-Net or any of Gala-Net's licensors or affiliates. If the player is in game, the player will be frozen, moved to a private area in game and muted. A GM will try to contact the player in game to change the name on the spot. If the person is AFK, an email will be sent to the user's email on account requesting character deletion or for them to contact a user in game. If the user doesn't comply in 3-days, the account will be permanently banned until a name change can be done.
Other offenses
Using the Gpotato portal for unapproved marketing purposes. Post messages for any purpose other than personal communication, including, without limitation, advertising, promotional materials, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or make any commercial use of our Service. 1 (One) In game warning Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
NPC Blocking 1 (One) In game warning/Removed/ disconnected from Game Three (3) day account ban Ten (10) day account ban Permanent Account Ban
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